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Author: BbTSKQq8R4zZvWGYD3eJXC

QR 77 AM – Canada’s Stagnation Problem

The Canadian economy is facing a period of stagnation as recent reports warn Canada’s economy has fallen behind most major economies. Are we heading towards a recession and what can be done to kickstart our country’s economy? Joining us to discuss is Stephen Johnston –

Canada is Facing Prolonged Stagflation

Canadian SME Business Magazine – “Canada has a stagflation problem.  It has for years, and we have been ignoring it. What is stagflation? Stagflation happens when there is below trend growth and above trend inflation that drives stagnant or declining real GDP per capita.” Full

Curing Canadian Stagflation – Modest Proposal

Omnigence recently published “Is Canadian Growth Dead – Preparing for Stagflation and the Socioeconomic Barbell”. The purpose of this paper is to initiate a discussion around policy proposals that may reverse this trend. Full Text