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Veripath Publishes Q2 NAVs Showing Strong Appreciation of Farmland Portfolio

Veripath Farmland (UR) LP Fund Q2 2021 Series W, A and P NAVs:

Series W – 1.1137– increase of 3.7%

Series A – 1.1024 – increase of 3.7%

Series P – 1.1024 – increase of 3.7%

Veripath Farmland LP Fund Q2 2021 Series W, A and P NAVs:

Series W – 1.1567– increase of 2.3%

Series A – 1.1266 – increase of 1.0 %

Series P – 1.1266 – increase of 1.0 %

Since its official OM launch in 2020, Veripath has experienced rapid growth as capital allocators seek exposure to the Canadian farmland asset class.  Veripath’s offerings can be accessed through several full-service Canadian broker dealers. Utilising a unique split fund, evergreen structure, Veripath opens the Canadian farmland thesis to the largest possible universe of investors and for the first time makes compliance with the various provincial farmland ownership regulations simple and straightforward.  Canadian farmland allocations have several compelling characteristics that make them a worthwhile portfolio allocation for both institutional and retail investors and Veripath’s structures are available to both.

Who is Veripath:  Veripath is a Canadian alternative investment firm. Members of Veripath’s management team have decades of farmland, private equity, and private credit investment experience.  Veripath implements its farmland strategy in a way that seeks to preserve as far as possible farmland’s low-volatility return profile – the attribute that generates a material portion of Canadian farmland’s superior risk adjusted returns. Veripath does this by seeking to minimize operational, weather, geographic and business-related risks – and capture the pure return from land appreciation. For more information on Veripath please feel free to register online at or call 587-390-8267.

Disclaimer: This article is only an expression of our opinions on the subject matter set forth herein and includes information from, or data derived from, public third party sources including commentaries, articles, industry publications, reports and research papers. Veripath has not independently verified the accuracy, currency or completeness of any of the information and data contained in this article which is derived from such third-party sources. While we have a good-faith belief in the accuracy of what we write, all such information is presented “as is,” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. The use made of the commentary set forth in this article is solely at the risk of the user of this information. This article is intended only as general information presented for the convenience of the reader and should not in any way be construed as advice of any kind, investment or otherwise.  There is no guarantee of performance and past or projected performance is not indicative of future results. The AUM, acre and other data above represent aggregate information across all portfolios managed or sub-managed by the Veripath and include assets held by Veripath Farmland LP and Veripath Farmland (UR) LP.