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Veripath’s Open-ended Approach to Canadian Farmland Investments

Veripath is pleased to announce the successful launch of its open-ended farmland partnership. Most farmland investment vehicles operate as closed ended funds. Veripath is one of a small number of pioneers using an open-ended approach to make its farmland investments. An open-ended fund give investors much greater flexibility over how long they want to deploy capital and after the contracted hold period they can simply redeem at the prevailing Net Asset Value.

There are a number of benefits to this approach including 1) the ability of investor to choose the duration that meets their portfolio construction requirements and is not dictated by an arbitrary close-ended wind-up date, 2) long duration and short duration investors can co-exist in the same fund 3) the fund can manage liquidity internally and ideally does not need to transact at the portfolio level reducing costs and cash deployment lags.

Veripath is a Canadian alternative investment firm. Members of Veripath’s management team have decades of farmland, private equity, and private credit investment experience and manage over 70,000 acres of Canadian row crop farmland.  Veripath implements its farmland strategy in a way that seeks to preserve as far as possible farmland’s low-volatility return profile – the attribute that generates a material portion of Canadian farmland’s superior risk adjusted return profile. Veripath does this by seeking to minimize operational, weather, geographic and business-related risks – and capture the pure return from land appreciation. Canadian zero-till farmland portfolios may also be a useful addition to ESG driven mandates combining superior risk adjusted returns with environmental benefits. For more information on Veripath please feel free to register online at or call 587-390-8267.

Disclaimer: This article is only an expression of our opinions on the subject matter set forth herein and includes information from, or data derived from, public third party sources including commentaries, articles, industry publications, reports and research papers. Veripath has not independently verified the accuracy, currency or completeness of any of the information and data contained in this article which is derived from such third-party sources. While we have a good-faith belief in the accuracy of what we write, all such information is presented “as is,” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. The use made of the commentary set forth in this article is solely at the risk of the user of this information. This article is intended only as general information presented for the convenience of the reader and should not in any way be construed as advice of any kind, investment or otherwise. Aggregate data as to number of partners, locations, acres, AUM etc, is consolidated from all assets managed by the principals of the Veripath investment team across three separate farmland portfolios as of Q4 2020.  AUM represents estimated value of these assets as of same date.   Investors in Veripath Farmland LP and Veripath Farmland (UR) LP will be invested in only the portfolios held by these entities.  The aggregate data is provided for illustrative purposes to demonstrate other farmland portfolios managed by the principals of Veripath Farmland LP and Veripath Farmland (UR) LP.